In August, my sister began a year with Amate House, in Chicago. She will work for a year at Mercy Housing Lakefront, organizing tenants in three of their SRO (Single Room Occupancy) buildings and will receive an Americorp award for her year of service. It is a GREAT JOY to have her living in Chicago and an opportunity of which I want to take full advantage as I don't know for how long I will have the delight of my sister living in close proximity. As a consequence of my scheming to spend time with my sister, I have also had the opportunity to spend time with her thirteen housemates. It has been an unexpected pleasure to come to know these people who are doing wonderful work with organizations (primarily social service providers) around the city.
On Friday, I had dinner with the Amate Volunteers and I gave them this painting as an early Christmas present. This image is of their front door. I was intrigued to create this painting of something thoroughly ordinary. Can a simple painting of a typical weathered door be special, when the image is familiar and possibly evocative of nostalgia?
My favorite - the simplicity has been captured in a subtle, silent way. Beautiful work Jane!